Monday, September 7, 2015

Nearly 3rd year!


its almost 3rd year i'm working in audit line. to be exact, in the same audit firm since being a practical student! I am a survivor (tepuk bahu sendiri)! its kinda weird because actually it is not my favorite place to work with but this is a good place to gain the experience..

people come and go..
nearly to our third year, ramai geng da keluar..why not me? mungkin belum rezeki lagi nak keluar..kalau jumpa exstaff semua akan ckp 'dulu bukan kau ke org first yang nak keluar?' do i have a choice? i don't think so. we can plan but His plan is always the best plan. No argument! so, dont ask me why.

i don't know what is the different between me and other fellow which also works in audit line. i can't measure how far we can perform as compared to others. how good you are in verifying things. how skeptic your observation in finding the issues. and the list goes on....

Are you sure to stay in this line any longer? I don't have the answer. i don't have proper plan for my future. hopes tomorrow brings me to the correct path which we don't even know it is really correct or not.

'bersyukur dengan apa yang kita dapat hari ini. sama ada kurang atau lebih. jika terdapat yang lebih baik, itu peluang untuk kita. untuk hari mendatang yang lebih baik'

thanks for reading!

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