Tuesday, February 7, 2012

time is very precious..

assalamualaikum kawan kawan..

masih xterlambat kan kite nk wish salam maulidur rasul..semoga kawan kawan menghabiskan masa cuti dengan sesuatu yang sangat berfaedah hendaknya..(aih~ too formal )

hehe..actually wanna to say thanks to all my visitors and my new followers for visiting my planet-baru-dalam-galaxy ni..hehe..just for your information i'm not that good in merepek meraban when it comes to my story or maybe my life..but i'm kinda suka merepek when its comes to something like xde faedah..hehe..thanks again guys! really appreciate that! hug n kiss (xoxo)

ok then..
time is soo precious? u know why??
how can u imagine that u really hv to finish up all the acts + standards + notes n etc that was related to accounting in just few weeks?
omg! its really happen to me right now..even for accounting student that suppose to know in years time ago but we just take for granted kn? now sape yg susa..serve ur right! =_='

keje br 3hari je start tp cuti 4hari xcukup..cane??
that's a lot of thing that we should know..we need to do..we need to read!
da macam assignment kt klas da.tp lec xgarang cm manager ni..da name pon manager kn..skang ni da pening da nk wt keje..tido pon asek pk keje..xlene je..lagi2 pk esok kne keje..pas2 xsiap lg task yg die bg..
betol la kata pepatah..masa itu emas..skang ni cm sgt nk menghargai masa kot..ade je mase kite jgn buang sesuka hati ye kawan kawan..kene wt bnde faedah sikit..ade je mase terluang segarkan kn otak kite ngn bahan bacaan..sumpah anda akan jd pandai sgt3!

so kepada time yg da ilang ke laut tu..kite jgn pk da k..kite terus kedepan..masa akan datang..
1 of da reason why time is so precious is bcoz..i need to find a time to update entry baru planet-baru-dalam-galaxy ni..huhu..so sooorrryy if entry dlm ni xberubah2 n xsempat nk jenguk2 blog kalian..

time is the coin of your life. it is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. be careful lest you let other people spend it for you ; ~carl sandburg

ok kawan kawan..nnt i sambung blk k..keje da memanggil manggil..

tanx sudi bace entry saya! <3 !


  1. kinaaa, mcm mna praktikal? manager grg ka?

  2. haha..mau nye xgarang..gile la sgt strict..takot je berdepan ngn die..haha..nua wt kt kedah ke?
