Tuesday, November 20, 2012

the biziest week ever!

assalamualaikum all..

it is normal for a student to experience the worst week ever in the whole journey of studying right?
but the week that im wanna share here is not the worst week i think..it more on exhausted and quite fascinated week..
haha..this week is going to continue alive until last week of semester! haiyaa!

the busyness of the week is like there are nothing else we can do other than study--->class--->assignments---->study again because the exam was so berderet deret..everyday we got presentations session and discussion..nak bersosial pon xboleh dah! and the worst is, I dont have a time to attend my friends' wedding! ramai kot..like 3 to 4 couples! pity me!

ya rab! give me strength to survive and doing excellent in this particular semester..yes..it is final sem for me as a degree student. help us in gaining the knowledge..accompany us in our difficulties..and bless us with Your ridho..ameen..

to all my friends..we just have few weeks left. after this we are going to have our own journey of life..we need to face the cruel world and perhaps the competitive workplace out there..whatever u do..just stay in the same path..path that bring us to the rab's jannah..til then,, love u~

Saturday, November 10, 2012

jom singgah~

assalamualaikum kawan kawan..

maghrib maghrib sempat je nk post bnde kan..
xpe ni sikit je..sbb kn da ngntok nk study..marilah bantu mata kite dari ketiduran..

sape suke shopping??
jom tgk tgk baju comel kt sini..official blog untuk baju ni xde lagi so update kt sini dulu..



RM30 AVAILABLE - orange-


RM40 AVAILABLE -white-

RM26 AVAILABLE IN 6 COLORS - soft purple-

RM26 AVAILABLE -dark purple-

RM26 AVAILABLE - pinkpeach-

RM20 AVAILABLE IN 6 COLORS -softpurple dot black-
RM34 AVAILABLE IN 6 COLORS - dark brown-
RM34 AVAILABLE -pinkpeach-white-


RM40 AVAILABLE -black-

RM40 AVAILABLE -black-
rm 30..available in 5colors

sape sape berminat feel free to leave your comment below or any question just pm me on fb sakinah mazani..
thanx peeps!
ok sambung study..esok test!wish me luck!^_^

Friday, November 9, 2012

6 nov 2012


ketika dinihari sewaktu semua umat manusia sedang lena dibuai mimpi indah..

mak telepon aku..tp 'no answer..please try again' pastu adek aku lak call..
laju je aku angkat..'angah..tok ayah da xde'
ya Allah..terpana seketika aku ketika itu..tok ayah..angah minta ampun..xsempat jumpe tok ayah buat kali terakhir..kesian mak..xdpt jumpe ayahnye..

kau pergi dengan tenang..
semoga ditempatkan bersama para solihin tok ayah..
kami syg tok ayah sgt..
maaf kalau tok ayah ade terase hati ngn kami semua..='(